Elliott Coker

About Me

I’ve lived southeast of Atlanta, GA my whole life. I love to play music whether it’s strumming my guitar, beating the hell out of my drum set, or simply singing my lungs out. I spent most of my childhood in the Scouting program and earned Eagle Scout in December of 2015. I graduated High School in May of 2016 and began working at a family owned business the following September. This is when I also began trying to figure out the world to no avail. I met Melody in April of 2017, and she has been the light of my life. She moved in with me in 2018 and now in 2023 we have our own place and decided to start a podcast together.


Melody Coker

About Me

When I Think about myself I feel hearty, healthy and wholesome. I feel humble and kind. With every day, I find myself feeling grateful and appreciative of where I am and who I am with. I have the privilege of being loved unconditionally from more than one person.